Saturday, January 1, 2011

Perak Trip Nov 2010

In Nov 2010, Student Councillors in Secondary 2, as well as the Executive Committee of the Council and new CCA Heads embarked on a 3D2N trip to Perak, Malaysia, for a leadership expedition. Led by Mr. Chui, Ms Tang, Ms Tay and Ms Hu, the kids took an overnight coach deep into the Peninsula. They arrived near to the biggest cave in Perak for fresh Nasi Lemak breakfast, before proceeding straight to a waterfall nearby for what would be for most of them a once-in-a-lifetime experience!!

The student councillors learned about the art of abseiling, and then witnessed professionals abseiled down a waterfall. To most of the student leaders, abseiling itself is already a feat that they would be able to boast about. To add a waterfall to this accomplishment is more than most of them could bear! But true to the adventurous spirit of youths, the councillors all attempted and completed the task, to the deafening applause of their fellow councillors!

The next activity on the menu is white-water rafting. The students got into groups of sixes, and together with an instructor, braved rapids and rocks to travel down a fast-moving river. Along the way, some of the rafts capsized and all the other rafts surrounding the capsized group were very anxious. However, they all managed to come back up to the surface and got back into the raft, undaunted and ready to face the next rapid! Every team was cheering everyone else along, and it was very heartening to see the rapport being built among the student leaders of Henderson.

The councillors stayed in a cosy resort, and they and the teachers had a meaningful night bonding and sharing. The next day, the councillors undertook the last activity for the trip: caving in the biggest cave in Perak. They braved the cold, the wetness, and the darkness to walk, climb, and sometimes swim through the cave. The councillors cheered and supported one another on the way, sometimes using their torchlights to shine the way for their peers. Everyone finished the caving activity tired but immensely satisfied.

After an afternoon of R&R in Ipoh, the entourage took an overnight coach back to Singapore, bringing back with them memories of the meaningful trip. =)

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